One Hour Presentations
These presentations are provided on various topics and can be delivered in the following ways:
Keynote Addresses
Conference / seminars
Executive / Board presentations
Previous topics have included:
The Great Wealth Transfer:
Executors, Trustees & Beneficiaries: Honouring The Intent
An Emerging Role For Women: Assuming The Mantle of Family Financial Leadership

This workshop is ideal for adviser meetings in a national or regional training programs that runs for a duration of three hours. This is a highly interactive workshop. The topics covered focus on how advisers can embrace the opportunity to transition their practice to one who looks beyond the money, includes the entire family as the client and most importantly addresses the family’s need to be prepared for the successful transition of wealth to the next generation.
The three hour program is structured to include:
4 teaching modules of 15 to 20 minutes duration;
adviser group idea/sharing sessions of 15 to 20 minute duration.
Pre-work is distributed two weeks in advance to prepare advisers to engage in real life discussions related to their practices during the workshop.
The benefits to advisers are that the actions in the workshop are immediately implementable by advisers, the pre-work and workbooks are included and advisers have access to some the Institutes additional tools and resources for a limited period of time.
This program may suit advisers who have recently started to work with affluent families and individuals or those who are looking for an introduction in this space prior to attending a future flagship program.

This program is an extension of the earlier Family Wealth Conversation Adviser Workshop (above), with the additional inclusion of interactive cast studies. The extension allows the advisers to work through current examples of client or prospective client opportunities, in a confidential manner to ensure they can add immediate value to those relationships.
Attracting, Engaging & Retaining Multigenerational Families - 2 Day Adviser Workshop
This is our flagship program and it is designed to be attended by experiences advisers such as financial advisers, bankers, lawyers, accountants and other advisers working with affluent families. The tools and resources are developed and tested and are based on decades of field research on how high net worth families successfully transition wealth and maintain family harmony across generations.
This program focuses on how high net worth (and ultra high net worth) families can transfer the family's wealth successfully and harmoniously to the next generation and what advisers can do to assist with this and maintain and grow their practice. It can be custom designed to suit specific adviser training objectives and needs. Alternatively, some sessions are also available as individual webinars.
The workshop is delivered in three consecutive sessions over a two full day duration. It also includes interactive group sessions designed to assist adviser to apply their learnings from each session as well as follow up peer group conference calls to learn from experiences and share success stories as well as network with other advisers.
The sessions are:
Awareness - Sets The Stage For Today’s Advisers
Advisers learn why the needs of high net worth families are changing and how they can embrace this opportunity to strengthen and grow their practice by becoming the Trusted Family Adviser to the entire family.
Assessment - Introduces Wealth Transfer Tools Families Can Use to Prepare the Next Generation
Advisers are introduced to the tools and resources that they can integrate immediately into their business to assist them in becoming the Trusted Family Adviser and assist their high net worth client families with the successful and harmonious transition of wealth to the next generation.
Action - Introduces the tools, resources and methods to grow and develop your business using these new skills
This workshop is designed for and is tailored for family members, family office executives and/or their advisers and referral partners.
The session can be attended by between 5 and 20 families at any one time and it an also be customised as a family workshop for the attendance by an entire family group. These sessions introduce families and their advisers to the challenges they face and some tools for addressing these challenges regarding the management and the successful transition of the wealth to the next generation.
The introductory session addresses all of the points below. Further interactive and "deep dive" sessions are available on the topics below (either as a group and individual family sessions):
Trust and Communication
Preparing Next Generation
Roles and Responsibilities
Family Meetings
Purpose of Wealth / Mission Statement
Family Constitutions
Resolving Conflict
We see this session use by family groups, as well as advisers looking to add value to a select group of their clients.

A Briefing for Women: Assuming the Mantle of Financial Leadership
It is anticipated that by 2030, 70% of all wealth in America will be controlled by women. Some would argue it already is.The emergence of women assuming the family financial leadership roles involves considerably more aspects than simply the money. This workshop is designed for women who have or will prospectively have the responsibility for the family wealth . It introduces tools and resources that women can use now to prepare for these roles, the changing relationships with other family members and for the successful transition of wealth to the next generation.